Padampa Sangay’s 100 Verses

First ten verses:


Homage to the teacher!
Fortunate practitioners gathered here in Tingri, listen!

Just as worn-out clothes can never again be made as new,
It’s no use seeing a doctor once you’re terminally ill;
You’ll have to go. We humans living on this earth
Are like streams and rivers flowing toward the ocean –
All living beings are heading for that single destination.

Now, like a small bird flying off from a treetop,
I, too, will not be here much longer; soon I must move on.


If you spend the present meaninglessly and leave with empty hands,
People of Tingri, a human life in the future will be very hard to find.


To apply yourselves with body, speech and mind to the sacred Teachings,
People of Tingri, is the best thing that you can do.


Give your very life, heart and soul to the Three Jewels [the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha],
People of Tingri, and their blessings cannot but arise.


Forget your goals for this life – concentrate instead on lives to come.
People of Tingri, that is the highest goal.


Families are as fleeting as a crowd on market day;
People of Tingri, don’t bicker or fight.


Wealth and poverty, like a magic show, just seduce and deceive;
People of Tingri, don’t let the knot of avarice bind you.


This body’s just a bag containing various kinds of filth;
People of Tingri, don’t pamper it and spruce it up so.


Family and friends are no more real than a magic show;
People of Tingri, in your fondness for them don’t tie yourself down.


Country and land are like a nomad’s pastures
People of Tingri, don’t cling sentimentally to them.


As parents, all beings in the six realms have cared for you;
People of Tingri, don’t relate to them with your ideas of “I” and “mine”.


Transforming Negative Emotions with Venerable Amy Miller

May 9th, 6 pm – 7:30 pm,  Fletcher Free Library, 235 College Street, Burlington VT

Please join us for a workshop and practical guidance from Venerable Amy Miller on Transforming Negative Emotions.

The desire for happiness serves as a major motivation in our lives, yet we often experience numerous obstacles to achieving it. Despite our material comforts and beneficial circumstances, frustration, fear, anxiety, depression, along with other less than generous mind states, cloud our view.

This workshop identifies afflictive states of mind (anger, attachment, pride, jealousy, depression, anxiety, fear, etc.) and explores a variety of healthy coping mechanisms that can help transform everyday challenges into a more realistic and peaceful experience.

Here is a link to the event announcement:

Ven Amy May 9 v3 pdf