Padampa Sangay’s Advice Verses 11-20


The day you were born,  your death began approaching;
People of Tingri, remember: there is never any time to spare.


Fundamentally there’s no delusion, it’s an ephemeral occurrence;
People of Tingri, look at the nature of what it produces.


Without distraction apply yourselves to the sacred Dharma;
People of Tingri, after death it will guide you on the path.


The truth of cause and effect ensures that actions yield their full result;
People of Tingri, avoid all actions that are negative and evil.


Leave all your activities behind like a country in a dream;
People of Tingri, just put non-action into practice.


The very thing you feel attached to, let go of it, whatever –
People of Tingri, there isn’t anything that you need.


Since you won’t be staying in this world forever,
People of Tingri, make your preparations for the journey now.


If you first finish what you have to do,  you’ll never get to Dharma;
People of Tingri, while you’re thinking about it, practice straight away.


Inside the forest, monkeys may be living happily at ease,
People of Tingri – but at the edges forest fires are closing in all round.


Birth, sickness, ageing and death flow on, a river without ford or bridge;
People of Tingri, have you prepared yourselves a boat?