Padampa Sangay’s Advice – Verses 21-30


In the narrow defiles of birth, death and the intermediate state
Bandits await – the five poisonous emotions – sure to ambush you;
People of Tingri, avail yourselves of the teacher as your escort.


Your never-failing source of refuge is the teacher;
People of Tingri, carry him constantly on the crown of your head.


If your protection is the teacher, you’ll reach wherever you aspire to go;
People of Tingri, cultivate devotion as the fare you pay for the journey.


Those who get wealthy get miserly too;
People of Tingri, give generously without being partial.


Whoever gets power acts sinfully, too;
People of Tingri, abandon all desire for rank and power.


Those with rank and riches are never happy and at ease;
People of Tingri, get ready to claw at your chest in anguish.


In the next world, there are neither family nor friends;
People of Tingri, place your confidence in the Dharma.


If you wander in distraction, you’ll waste the freedoms and advantages of human life;
People of Tingri,  make a resolute decision now.


While you’re busy being distracted, the demon of Death will catch you;
People of Tingri, practice from this very moment onwards.


When will the demon of Death appear? There is no easy way to tell;
People of Tingri, right now be always on your guard.