Machig Labdron Study Group

Lama Zopa Rinpoche (top) and Lama Yeshe meditating. Photo from the first trek to Lawudo Retreat Center in Nepal, spring of 1969. Lawudo was the hermitage of the Lawudo Lama, the former incarnation of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Photos by George Luneau.

We are a study group, under the spiritual guidance of Lama Zopa Rinpoche.  We have been meeting regularly since the fall of 2016.  We engage in group discussions of teaching and readings, and group practices according to guidance and traditions for the FPMT.

FPMT study groups are groups which are using this status as a probationary period before a group becomes a legal entity and a full FPMT center. FPMT Study Groups are not yet affiliated with the FPMT, and therefore do not have the same responsibilities as a center, financially or administratively. FPMT Study Groups are required to work towards becoming an FPMT center.

See for more information