Meditation 101- Course Overview

Note: We completed our first Buddhism in a Nutshell course and retreat at the end of 2018.  We are pleased to be offering Meditation 101 starting March 7, 2019.  Please email if you are interested in participating in Meditation 101. 

Meditation 101

  • Session 1: Meditation in Buddhism

Teachings on:  
What meditation is
The purpose of meditation
The application of concentration and mindfulness in meditation
The seven-point meditation position
Two guided meditations:

Counting the Breaths
Bare Attention


  • Session 2: Mind in Buddhism

Teachings on:

The definition and nature of the mind according to Buddhism
The mind is like the sky and like the ocean
The mind is the source of all our suffering and all our happiness
Meditation enables us to choose between the thoughts and emotions that bring us happiness and well-being and those that bring us problems and suffering
Three guided meditations:

Mind Like the Sky
Mind Like the Ocean
Nine-Round Breathing
Points for Reflection

  • Session 3: Types of Meditation and Obstacles to Meditation

Teachings on:

The two main types of meditation: stabilizing and analytical
The different objects of meditation
The five obstacles to meditation: (1) laziness, (2) forgetfulness, (3) laxity and excitement, (4) non-application of an antidote, and (5) over-application of an antidote
The antidotes to laxity and excitement in particular
The five negative states of (1) attachment, (2) anger, (3) pride, (4) jealousy, and (5)ignorance that interfere with meditation
How to transform negative experiences into positive ones by changing our way of thinking and behaving
One guided meditation:

Transforming Negative Experiences
Points for Reflection

  • Session 4: The Meditation Session, Meditation Place, and Visualization Meditation

Teachings on:

Setting up a meditation session in four parts: calming the mind, setting the motivation, the actual meditation, dedication
Setting up a conducive place to meditate at home
Using the benefits of meditation in everyday living
The characteristics and benefits of visualization meditation
One guided meditation:
Purification with Light
Points for Reflection

  • Session 5: Meditation Stops the Roller Coaster of Emotions

How analytical meditation can be used to gradually eliminate habitually harmful emotional responses and develop positive ones
How we are constantly making distinctions and judgments as we interact with other people
Attachment and aversion color our view and make our mind go up and down, like a yo-yo
All our delusions come from self-centeredness
How our experiences would be completely different if we could develop equanimity and openness
Advice for establishing a long-term meditation practice
Three guided meditations:

Body of Light
Generating an Altruistic Motivation
Cultivating Equanimity