Past Activities

Meditation 101 – Spring 2019.  Following FPMT course materials by Venerable Connie Miller.  Held in Burlington VT on Thursday evenings, with a half day retreat in Charlotte at the end of the course.

Venerable Geshe Sherab – Cultivating Boddhcitta the Heart of Enlightenment, February 2019, Burlington Fletcher Free Library.

New Years Day, 2019 – Vajrasattva Group Practice.

Buddhism in a Nutshell, Fall 2018.

Lhabab Duchen, is a Buddhist festival day celebrated to observe the Buddha’s descent from the Trāyastriṃśa heaven down to earth. Positive or negative merit on this day is multiplied 10 million times) October 31, 2018: Group recitation of the Sublime Sutra of Golden Light.

Transforming Negative Emotions with Venerable Amy Miller – May 2018.